I always love food but there is just something about summertime food that can't be beat. I love harvesting all that's ripe and then figuring out what delicious thing I can make with it. I mentioned before that I tend to over do it with zucchini so I was so pleased when E found
this recipe for zucchini mushroom pizza. We've had our variation of it twice now and it is a big hit. We use the dough recipe in that link (it is a much chewier, thinner dough than our regular recipe) then for the base we use pesto and olive oil.
I use our old mandolin (yes, another yummy thing I can
make with this gadget that I spent so many years pestering my poor husband to get rid of. I've actually bought two more since at thrift stores for other people) to julienne the zucchini and we just use regular mushrooms as well as a few cherry tomatoes for toppings. We top that with grated cheese and bake it 'til golden.
I can see a lot of our zucchinis getting used up this way. And good thing too because yesterday I noticed my "wart" zucchinis are starting to produce now.
Funny looking things. This is the first time I've tried this kind, I got the seeds at Seedy Saturday this spring. I assumed they would be a bush zucchini but the plants are sprawling out into my (already small) pathways. If you have any favourite zucchini recipes you'd like to share I'd be very happy to hear about them. ;-)
yum yum yummy...thank you much for sharing! all of the tasty recipes i have came from you, like that one of zucchini omlet...blest be :)
The pizza looks delicious, Heather!
Glad to see what a "wart" zucchini looks like. I thought it was funny when I told D about your newest variety of zukes and got his reaction.
He (not a zuke lover to begin with - probably due to me overdoing it with zukes ;o)... made a face, then a comment to the effect that adding the name "wart" in front of zucchini, does not make them any more appealing. I can get past the name though, I'd be game to try them!
Curious to hear how they will be. Need any help collecting zuke recipes? ;o)
OMGosh, does that pizza look phenomenal! Wish you could mail me a slice or two.
That alone would encourage me to grow zukes.
I'm sure everyone does this with their zucchini, but i mix up whole wheat panko crumbs and parmesean cheese, cut zucchini into coins, dip zukes into whole wheat flour, beaten egg, breadcrumb mixture and then bake at 375 till brown! serve with tomato or marinara sauce!
oh my gosh, that looks amazing! I actually purchased (sadly, I don't have a garden, living in an apartment and all ) an extra zucchini at the store by accident the other day. I have more than I need for my other recipe, and I also happen to pickup a rather large bag of mushroom while I was there. I know what I'm having for dinner!!
Zucchini parmesan, replacing the eggplant with zukes, particularly those oversized ones that were hiding until they are discovered at monster proportions. The zucchini has to be well drained and fried really well to prevent sogginess.
I haven't tried this but, why not?
Thanks Sarah. I haven't tried making it that way before, I've breaded and fried it but not baked it and served it with marinara, I will be giving that a try for sure.
Elizabeth, Thank you. I'm going to try both those pickle recipes - they sound simple and yummy.
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