The other day I harvested most of my first planting of onions. I brought them home and, after cleaning and drying them, made them into a braid.
This is my favourite way to store onions. I find it very handy to have
them hanging on the wall in the garage (before freezing temps) or coldroom. I also love the way they look.
This year I'm also growing a few
Kelsae Sweet Giant onions and was pleased to see how big they are getting, can't wait to see how much bigger they get.
awesome heather...dandy, useful storage! so glad that you share, thank you :)
I was thinking about trying to do this since drying space is turning into a premium around here. But I cant even braid my hair, so I am a little worried how they will turn out.
This looks like such a good idea and you're the second person to post about it today so that must be telling me something! I must give it a try.
gorgeous onions and as always what a beautiful blog:-)
They look lovely!
Heather, I got the rest of my garden in too late, but my onion patch looks to be a success. I love your braid idea! We have 300 onions in the ground - do you have a suggested maximum per braid?
they look wonderful and bring back such fond memories of watching my mom braid onions and hang them in the barn to dry off.So nice to see your bountiful harvest!
Reminds me of the onion braids hanging in our garage when I was a child. I love the way they look!
Oh I love it! Maybe if I get some onions like this through my CSA I can do this. I did buy a garlic braid at the farmerk market last week and I like the way it looks in my kitchen so much I hate to use the bulbs! :)
Hi Teri - I don't think I've ever done more than about 2 dozen onions per braid but other than how heavy they get (you might need to use stronger twine) I don't see any reason why you couldn't make them as big as you like. Have fun.
Love the onion braid! I hope to try that this year.
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