We've been doing our
usual thing for this time of year -
squirreling away as much food and harvest goodness as we possibly can. Yesterday was spent bringing in most of the garden (just a few things left to get today). Last week E and I spent a bit of time seeing what we could find on this property and ended up with mushrooms and apples (we'd noticed this tree down the bank a bit when it was flowering in the springtime).
We also were thrilled to have a generous friend offer to let us pick from her plum tree. E very much misses our plum tree at our old home (mostly because he loved climbing it but I think there is nothing more delightful to him than being able to climb a tree AND pop fresh-picked fruit in your mouth at the same time!).
He was so happy to be able to pick some plums and I was happy to be able to make some favourite plum desserts as well as a batch of plum butter. When I asked E if he wanted me to make a batch he said he couldn't remember if he liked it. I made some and at first taste he remembered that he did indeed love plum butter. ;-)
I was pleased that I came across my old recipe (which I had labeled "Good Plum Butter" to remind me
that was the one I liked to use, not the one in my canning book). Here it is in case you feel like making it.
16 cups plums, coarsely chopped
4 cups sugar (or to taste)
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
Simmer chopped plums with sugar until soft and cooked down. Use immersion blender to blend to smooth consistency. Add spices and cook down further until desired thickness. I cook until I can take out a spoonful and once cooled it has a "jammy" consistency - maybe two hours all told.
Then I ladle into sterilized pint jars and process for 15 minutes in a hot water bath canner.