Well...I have two (new-to-me) delicious, crusty yet chewy bread recipes that I am excited to share with you but I'm unable to do any new posts because I have no more photo space available (?!?!). I had no idea how this all works, for years I've just been merrily posting all sorts of photos and never stopping to wonder how that happens. Anyway, I'm now looking into it and will hopefully be able to post bread and crafting photos soon. In the meantime, here is a post from a few weeks ago that I somehow forgot to post but that already had photos added.
E and I were out walking with friends in a park while W was at drama lessons and we happened by this guy, he could not have been less bothered by us walking by him. He just stood there.
Walking is my favourite form of exercise (next to gardening), I love it because it involves all my senses. I try to make sure that we get out for a walk every day (lately that has involved double toques and snow pants!) and I believe the benefits are huge (physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally). Walking for me is a time when I can actually manage to still my mind and really be present - the sights, sounds and smells all combine to make walking a sort of meditation for me. I love it.
My last few walks have involved making my way through the snow and gathering greenery from some trees to begin decorating our home for the season. Quite different in some ways from my walks during the rest of the year when I am collecting wild plants for food and medicine but still very much the same in one way - an appreciation for the abundance and beauty of Mother Earth.
What a handsome fella!
Oh, I hear you about walking, I long to have friends to walk with in that way that are handy to me. I too, feel nothing short of spiritually uplifted and restored when I return from a satisfying walk. We have been walking with snow lately, I shall share that soon! Thanks for the reminder of gathering for wreath making...next on my list. I hope to make some with bits and bobs from around the farm-land, in a wreath shape and then some long swags festooned with red ribbon for the farm driveway gates. Easy and satisfying!
Have a sweet, snowy weekend making bread!
~Erin xo
Thank you so much for completely talking me into walking more often. I forget how much I enjoy it, and it's so easy to get caught up in doing other less-beneficial things. :) Thank you!
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