Saturday, July 5, 2008

Quick and easy, sugarless strawberry jam

I grew up with regular strawberry freezer jam, you know, the kind with loads of sugar in it. It was delicious, but when I tasted strawberry jam sweetened with dried pineapple I knew that I had come across a very good alternative for my kids.It is very simple to make, all you do is put dried pineapple bits into a bowl and then cover with fresh strawberries. I like to mash them slightly to get the juice flowing a bit so that the pineapple softens quickly. Then just let the bowl sit in the fridge overnight.The next day just run it through the food processor then pour into small containers to freeze. I like to use small containers since it only keeps in the fridge for about a week. The resulting jam is very flavourful, not as sweet as jam made with sugar but nice, I think, because you can actually taste the fruit. Thought I would include a picture of what E looks like when he comes home from picking - the front of his shorts is just as colourful.
If you want a proper recipe I know that they used to have it at Springfield Bulk store right by the dried pineapple bin. :-)


denise said...

Oh, wow - that sounds great! I have made low sugar jam using just organic raw sugar or agave, but fruit!?!? Great idea.

this is my patch said...

I hope you have a good stain removal treatment for those shorts? x

missliz said...

Just curious if this jam sets up like a traditional recipe with sugar? Does the pineapple contain pectin? Thanks for the info. missliz91(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I think I will try the pineapple with blueberries, or strawberries for jam. I want something without sugar and artificial sweeteners. Thanks!

Retrogirl said...

Brilliant! I have a ton of strawberries coming in now...the kids love them plain or with crepes, but that can only last so long.
Thank you!!
Another Heather =)