I think I may have some over-do-it type tendencies. ;-) I love growing food and I also love preserving food. I've never really set my own limits on how much to preserve (or paused to do something sensible like figure out how much preserved food a family of food can actually use in a year), I just keep growing to my heart's content and then preserve as fast as I can. At our old home I actually had four freezers and they were always filled to bursting by September. I did give away two of the freezers when we sold our old home but I still have two (plus the fridge one) and they get filled with goodness from the garden.

Of course, we can't have Valentine's without some chocolate so, the next day when we stayed home, I made some of my favourite chocolate nut clusters (picture how-to here if you're interested).

And then today I decided to use up some of our walnuts and hazelnuts (yes, still from my old trees before we sold our home a year and a half ago - those were good producing trees!) to make some seed and nut bark. I toasted them with some sunflower seeds and almonds as well. 

Then added the toasted nuts to some homemade granola, flax and hemp seeds. I simmered some honey, with a bit of water and grapeseed oil then poured that over the nuts and granola, mixed it all together and pressed it into a greased cookie sheet. Pop it in the fridge to cool and harden and it is done. That's our house-hunting snack. ;-)

And E decided that we needed some more snacks too so he made his peanut butter chocolate chip biscuits too.

Love that my boys love to cook!
Is it really possible to preserve too much food? I think not. I try to do whatever I can in my busy life and it is the most comforting thing eating something out of season that you have preserved.
Happy House Hunting!
yummy...you are surely blessed!
Wow! What a bounty! Everything looks so yummy! It is a blessing that your sweet boys love to cook! Enjoy your harvest!
Edamame is on my list to plant this year! We love it and all foods Japanese. One thing I do miss about our old neighbourhood is being able to walk to 7 different Japanese restaurants.
I remember our year of thermos, drinks and snacks packed to go house hunting. Good luck with your search.
Everything looks so good. Thanks for sharing your recipes!
Congratulations, Heather! I'm presenting you with the Stylish Blogger Award! Now you get to pass it on. See Maple Hill for details.
Thinking of you, knowing something good will unfold from all the challenges.
As always, you provide some of the yummiest eats. Good luck emptying those freezers! ;o)
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