We have had some bizarre weather the last few days; there has been sun, but there has also been rain, hail and a wind that felt like it was straight from the Arctic. My peas seem to be troopers though and they are poking up through the soil, on their way to sending up tendrils to their supports. However, after checking out the garden beds yesterday and seeing how teeny, tiny my little spinach, beets and lettuce sprouts are I thought that it really was high time I got some sort of cold frame. I mentioned this to W as we were sitting outside reading yesterday, and look what he made for me. Right then and there!!!
W is my 12 year old. He was my first son, and boy!! did he ever teach me about attachment parenting. I'd never heard of the term, knew nothing about it, but we were doing it nonetheless, and I would say that I was thrown in headfirst and learned from the pro - him. I often think, as I watch him grow, that all those years of being with him; nursing him whenever he wanted(read - no sleep); spending all my time with him; focusing on what he needed and not rushing him to the next stage, filled him up so fully and completely that now he is able to give so generously of himself. He is incredibly thoughtful and helpful and quite often surprises me with his consideration of others. I quite admire him.
So...I guess what I'm sayin' is look how all those years of hard work paid off, the kid makes me coldframes and helps me in my garden. Well worth it, I'd say. ;-)
Thanks for your post Heather. My first has taught me a lot too and while I sometimes start to feel a little resentful of the resources and energy she needs from me, I can see her developing into a loving, caring person herself when I see her with her little sisters (most of the time ;) I am always curious as to what kind of adult she will be...your post gave me some insights....as always.
Wow. He is one talented kid!
What a great guy to have around!
That must have come in handy this morning. Did your plants survive the snow?
We have had exactly the same weather, rain, hail and cold easterly winds. Today is warm and sunny and we have just had our first barbecue of the year! What a treasure your son is to be making those coldframes for you. I wish I had a garden helper. x
He is a great guy to have around, and I am lucky enough to have two garden helpers. (I think they just like to have the garden snack bar so they are willing to help out)
The plants did survive, Amanda, everything that I planted was cold hardy so they seem fine.
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