My boys loved the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books and this past week as I've been planting things here and there around this property I couldn't help thinking that I was in a sort of If You Give a Girl Some Ground...She's Going to Plant a Garden situation. I was given some squash plants and then some herbs and tomatoes and that got me started. Then I was looking at our squash hills and thinking that I might as well plant some pole beans in those hills...

E wanted us to plant some corn too - "you know mom, like 3 sisters" - but we're a bit late for that up here. Since I had an herb bed going I might as well get some basil in and since I was at The Greenery for basil and they had a sale on I might as well get some more tomatoes...and zucchini...and some flowers. I have a bank of tomatoes now and a couple hills of zucchini.

Of course it only made sense to plant some salad greens and spinach too. I dug some horse muck into this and then broadcast some seeds in it. It is in shade for a good portion of the day but should be fine for lettuce and spinach.

Then the boys wanted a few flowers as well and so now E has a little garden that he worked so carefully on and W will put his in when he gets back from his mountain biking race. Since I normally
scorn won't buy annuals but my husband loves petunias I bought some of those for him and E and I planted them in the front flower garden I've been making. I guess it goes to show that you can take the family out of their garden but you can't take the garden out of the family. ;-0

We also found a patch of nettle not too far down the property so yesterday I cut some for making nettle "tea" for my plants. I think with the rocky, poor soil and the colder temps up here that the plants might need all the help they can get.
What is the deer action like there?
I'm not a big annual purchaser either, but really because it's such a money sink, but this year someone gave me a garden centre gift certificate and I bought some plants (lobelia, supertunias) for a big pottery basin I have and it's SO beautiful that I might just have been converted. Not entirely, of course, but ever so slightly.
Are you far from city streets there? Shops? Libraries?
That terracing is awesome!!!
Hi Shelia
There are supposed to be lots of deer - and last week we saw a mama and a tiny baby just down the road on our way into town - but I haven't see any up by the house yet. I am thinking (and hoping) that they won't come this close because of our dog.
Yes, we are far from city streets, etc. up here. It feels very far because it is soooo peaceful but actually we are probably only about 12 or so minutes from the edge of town and thankfully the closest library is only another minute or so from there. ;-) For us, it is a really good trade off, the space, wildlife and peace and quiet more than make up for the distance to town.
Yes, the terracing is awesome. It must have been built more as a means to stabilize things (we are on quite a slope) but it seems to me it was crying out to be planted. ;-) Seeing the piles of rocks I had to dig out of there I am pretty sure it hasn't been planted before.
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