Part of our homelearning has always included learning about the pioneers. I have a huge respect and admiration for these people. E and I have been reading
A Pioneer Life (an excellent book) for the last while (W and I read it some years ago when he was younger) and E absolutely loves this book. It is a great one to read if you are also reading the Little House series because it has all sorts of drawings to really show the details of pioneer life as well as lots of fun activities - like making butter.

He is fascinated with every last detail of pioneer living and it must be said that I am fascinated too. I think my love for that time started with Laura Ingalls. I have a photo (that I just came across recently) of myself at my fifth birthday party wearing my Laura Ingalls outfit - complete with bonnet- that my mom had made me. Last week I decided that it was high time I had a new sun bonnet and found a pattern on
Mother Earth News website.

This is my first attempt. I made it out of some plain unbleached cotton that I had on hand from making shopping bags years ago. I just wanted to make sure that I liked the pattern so now I will make a few alterations and then make one out of some floral fabric that I picked up at the thrift store.
I love Laura Ingalls too - and the bonnet!
beautiful! it looks lovely in that fabric! anything'd look good on you though...
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