I put them all on baking pans and roast them at 450 for about 30 minutes. (normally I would cut out the stem and pop the seed core out but for some reason that step completely missed in my brain yesterday...and if you miss that step it makes for a lot more fiddly work)

Once they are roasted I put them in my big cast iron dutch oven and put the lid on. They steam in their own heat for about 10 minutes and then the skins just slip right off. I spread them out on cookie sheets and freeze them then pop them into containers with lids. They are very handy to have on hand,I often make soups with them but will also just eat them as is too.

I also like to take some of my peppers and chop them raw and tuck those in the freezer for winter cooking too, that way I never have to but peppers off season.
Wow! That's quite a haul of peppers, Heather. Isn't it great to have all bounty of the season put away to enjoy in the coming months? I love roasted peppers!
Hats off to you for all the time and energy you spend making sure that you and yours will be well fed throughout the year.
Oooh, that is a LOT of peppers! :) Yum.
Lucky you!! I love roasting peppers for the freezer as well....if only I knew your neighbour ;)
now how on earth does your neighbour grow all those peppers? does she give lessons? cause i need some!
you will have the best fed family in the valley! good for you!!!
YUM! That looks so good!
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