I have some iris in my garden and in the past I don't think I ever really gave them their due. They really are stunning flowers and they thrive even with very little water.

One of my gardening goals this year has been to help my garden get to the point where it needs very little water above the rain water that it gets. I know that this will be an ongoing thing and my first step this year was increasing the amount of mulch that I use everywhere. (so if you see someone in your neighbourhood collecting the curbside bags of grass clippings and leaves it may very well be me) I picked up
The Green Gardener's Guide from the library and found it to be filled with all sorts of "green" gardening tips. I had a flip through it last night and, although lots of it is stuff that I am familiar already, it still gave me some food for thought and even more motivation to continue with my mulching.

I would really recommend it for anyone wanting to learn more about why and how to garden "green".

I love how gorgeous these flowers look in full bloom. How could we not be amazed when we see
that unfurl from a tight bud?
Hi Heather. I like your blog and I appreciate the mention of my book, The Green Gardener's Guide. Keep up the good work and the great messages.
Joe Lamp'l
Nice site. Thanks for the book tip.
Hi Heather. This is the first time I've visited your blog, thanks for the creative ideas and lovely photos! I'm a beginning gardener myself and find that just looking through other's photos/ideas, it is an immense encouragement. Thanks!
I love flags and want more of them. I think they're really good for hot dry banks as their roots hold the soil in... aaah, it's a work in progress, hey? I'll check out that book. Thanks for the recommendation! Exciting that the author read your post! YAY!
The Iris' did very well this year. Many of them are gifts from you Heather so I always think of you when they bloom.
The great thing about Irises is they thrive in dry soil, which is a good thing with these dryer summers we are having now. My garden has really suffered over the past couple of years and I am gradually trying to mulch most of my borders. It is amazing the difference you see in the plants, they look so much happier for it. x
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