Friday, November 13, 2009

Simple Gifts

I finally put away the fruit dehydrator yesterday (I think I've got enough dried apples now) and we've used up almost all of our garden tomatoes so that must mean it is time to get started on Solstice and Christmas gift making. ;-)

We like to make all our gifts and find that if we get started in November we can usually do this quite easily.  We always choose some simple gifts as well.  This year I wanted S to make some log candle holders with the boys (E likes to make beeswax candles too).   S decided to do some test ones on Wednesday and quickly became hooked on making them.  He brought these ones in to show me.

I'll tie these together with a strand of raffia.  This one pictured below is my favourite and I quickly claimed it for our seasonal table.  The pumpkins and acorns are still on our little nature table but this joined them yesterday and now I'm eyeing  up the greenery in the forest around us.

The boys like this one below and it found a home on our coffee table.  It is desperately crying out to be surrounded by greenery and pinecones...mid-November isn't too early to start wintertime decorating, is it??

So...hopefully S will let the boys have a turn to make some too ;-) and they will be able to give these as simple gifts to family members (although they are also getting requests for more flower pens).  We are big fans of non-plastic type gifts (except for Lego, of course), consumable gifts and, there's something to be said for a gift that, once tired of, can just be tossed out to decompose, be composted or burnt. ;-)  Very earth friendly, I should think.


  1. These are great! I have to make some!

  2. I love these! What a great idea.

  3. The candles are great! We make most of our gifts too. And I agree, Lego is exempt from plastic avoidance. :)

  4. the candle holders turned out beautifully! i got some similar ones from a friend's wedding about 6 years ago and still love them and use them all winter long! and i don't think it's too early to decorate for winter - especially at your place where it's been snowing for a month already!

  5. those are great! they just might end up on our gift list this year!

  6. Those are great. We also make almost all handmade gifts - good for the soul and the environment.

  7. these are wonderful, we have lots of pine cones left at our house tee hee, X ask yesterday if he could start decorating for christmas so we do not think november is to earlier we are starting today.

  8. My father made me some single candle holders out of blackthorn and hawthorn segments several years ago. They sit on my piano and are admired by everyone who sees them. I love the ones your boys have made. Do they know which wood they have made them out of? If so, they might like to write a little note telling the person who receives it what energetic properties the wood has. Let me know if you want any information about the different woods.

  9. Hi Sarah, that is a great idea. Thanks. The boys had some other wood projects on the go yesterday so I mentioned your idea to them and they will see what information they can find on the trees they are using. They are considering selling some of the things they make so that would be interesting information to add to their items.
