Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tree Peony

When we moved to this house we fell in love with the huge tree peony up front. It has been slowing dying over the years but it still manages to give some gorgeous blooms. When I was pregnant with E my midwife suggested that I choose an image to focus on for labour. I thought the peony blossom would be perfect - the buds are so tight and closed but within days they open so fully and beautifully. It's a good image to use when your goal is the opening of your cervix. Anyway, my labours are so fast that I don't really get time to use any kind of image or focus on anything other than the fact that I am having a baby - Now!!
But, every time I look at this tree peony in bloom it reminds me of being pregnant with E, so that is a pretty lovely thing to focus on too.


  1. I love peonies. They are so luscious when in bloom. Reminds me of my childhood in Missouri too. Here in WI everyone has lilacs, but where I grew up it was definitely peonies.

  2. 'tree peony' has been on my wish-list for a good long time. but i don't know where i'd plant one, and people say they're so fickle and non-hardy... Peonies of any kind are an obsession of mine. I haven't had much luck getting them going since moving here, but had luscious ones in Calgary. Andrea does NOTHING to hers but abuse them and gets loads of blooms every year. I'm going to steal all hers, I think...
