Friday, February 24, 2012

Impatient Peppermint Laudry Soap

I was going to patienty wait a month for my peppermint soap to cure before starting to use it for making laundry soap, but then I was looking through the book Smart Soapmaking and read a bit about curing that made me think perhaps it might not be entirely necessary for me to wait that long for it to cure.  It had only been a week since I had made the soap but, being ever so slightly impatient, that was all the encouragement I needed...I put the book down and got out the grater.

I grated and grated some more.  Mixed together a new minty fresh 2 qt jar of laundry soap powder and went off to do a load of laundry.  The Impatient Peppermint Laundry Powder worked like a charm.
Needless to say I'm tickled at the idea of no longer buying any soap...not even for doing laundry.


  1. I have been making a lavender laundry soap for a couple of years, and have always had to wait till I felt my homemade soap was cured long enough. Now I see I don't have to wait! Thanks for the info...

  2. Interesting. I have never found any homemade laundry soap that cleans well. Keep using it. It is never apparently on the first few washes.

  3. What a triumph! I absolutely LOVE that old jar!

  4. I am in love with the idea of making my own soap...and canning, and preserving.

    Now just have to get organized enough to start thinking about making some.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  5. Hi Becky, I've been using homemade laundry soap for years and have found that it works well for our family - and we get pretty grubby! ;-) This is just my first attempt at making it with my own homemade soap too, I used to do it with store bought soap.

    One thing I do is to also put a little vinegar in the rinse water, maybe that is what makes the difference. If you're interested in trying to make homemade liquid laundry soap there is a link on the side of my blog - it shows the recipe I've been using for years.
