Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Fog

Several days ago the fog came...I want to say on little cat feet except it feels more as though it came stomping in on great big mountain lion feet.  And now I feel as though I'm waiting for it to move on.  Our valley has been socked in for days and it starts to feel somewhat confining. 
It does, however, make for some incredibly delicate and lovely scenery. 
All the trees and shrubs - even the weeds- are enveloped in icy shrouds and they look beautiful. I was wishing I had my camera with me on the weekend when we went by a row of trees with their black branches covered in soft rime - the contrast was stunning.  We have a large weeping willow and a weeping birch tree in the front yard and every time I look at them they seem even more beautiful.
So today, instead of being grumpy that there was no sunshine during my walk I decided to grab my camera when I got home. The photos don't completely capture the delicate beauty of it but stopping to take them and to really look helped me to let go of my wish for sunshine and appreciate that foggy days can also bring pleasure if we are open to it. 


  1. Beautiful pictures. We woke up to fog here in Kentucky a few days ago. But, no white wonderland like you have there.

  2. Lovely shots!

    I do garden and history podcasts when I walk and it makes for DEElightful walking. Nothing nicer than hearing other gardeners chatting in one's ear, well, unless it's someone talking about food, or history...

  3. Gorgeous photos! We've had very little snow in Boston, so it's lovely to vicariously enjoy your winter wonderland. But, hopefully, for your sake, it'll pass soon ;)

  4. I'm glad you took pictures of it! It's such an eery, weirdly beautiful thing, isn't it.

  5. oh Heather, those photos are stunning!

    I've not seen this kind of frost, is it called rime frost? i've always wondered what that was...anyways, it is so gorgeous. I would have been clicking for a while.

    I'm glad you were able to summon some appreciation for the fog while awaiting the light to return. xo

  6. I did the same! Went for a walk and took some photos. I haven't uploaded mine yet but I think yours are way better! Very beautiful scenery.

    Having trouble posting this comment with my wordpress ID - going to try with my Google one.


  7. Wow, what beautiful photos!

  8. What amazing pictures! Hope you get some sun today!

  9. Wow ~ your photos are amazing! I have rarely seen scenes like that....such a winter wonderland!
