Monday, August 25, 2008

Things are just peachy

E and I were out picking peaches off of our tree the other day. We stopped to take some pictures because the colours of ripe peaches are just so beautiful; they make me think of sunrise and sunset.I asked him if he could think of a good, simple recipe that he could make for dessert. Of course he took this to mean that he should invent a recipe of his own.He immediately had an idea. We should take a peach, take the pit out, fill the pit hole with chocolate and then roast it until the chocolate melted (I think he had roasting over a fire in mind but since we had the oven going to cook our first squash of the season we just popped them in there for 10 minutes or so).

Well...what can I say? My son is brilliant. They were simple and delicious.Look out Jamie Oliver!


  1. Peaches and chocolate... I would never have thought of that combination. I might just have to try that myself.

  2. What a great idea! That is a good crop you get from your tree. x

  3. Oh, yum!!! That looks like a LOT of peaches on your tree!

  4. Oh, yum!!! That looks like a LOT of peaches on your tree!

  5. Yes, it was a pretty good year for our tree, it was nice and healthy. Also I have a bit of a problem with thinning, I just don't like picking off any potential big peaches so I let most of them grow and just use boards to prop up heavy branches.
