Sunday, March 30, 2008

Another try at permaculture

Hubby picked up some other permaculture books that I had waiting for me at the library. I went to sit out on a blanket in the sun to relax and read them. I started reading about keyhole pathways. But, the thing's way more fun to do something than to read about it...and soIdeally I would have planned this in the fall and then turned the turf upside down in the spot I took it out of, added more layers of sheet mulch, and had really fantastic soil to put the blueberries into come Spring. But...that isn't really my style. I'm not so much on the planning ahead at the best of times, but also, these blueberries really needed to be rescued from the backyard where visiting dogs kept stomping on them. I already lost one whole bush and another is down to one stalk left on it. So, essentially, this was my emergency rescue plan - there was no time for planning ahead. ;-)
While I was working on this my neighbour came by to tell me that the woman we bought this house from 9 years ago had died. She would have been in her early nineties and she was a gardener (and a food preserver) too. (her obvious love of gardening in this yard was the reason we bought this house) Interestingly, last weekend when I was working on this blueberry job, I was thinking about her. There was a car driving by slowly having a look at our place and I recalled that I hadn't seen her drive by for awhile, and wondered if it was her. (after she sold to us she used to have her family drive her past here every once in awhile, so she could have a look) So, yesterday I hoped that it had been her driving by the prior weekend (my neighbour told me she had been in town for Easter weekend), and that she had been happy to see her old home, and pleased with my changes. I also hope that she knows she left her gardens in good hands.


  1. What a nice story...I can't think of anyone who would do a better job at caring for a garden than you! Her legacy is in good hands.

  2. I'm going to make a key hole garden with my blueberries, too!

  3. Oh my, that got me all choked up. What a nice story.
