Thursday, February 28, 2008

No more plastic bags.

It drives my husband batty when he is at the veg. store with me and I won't use any plastic bags to hold my stuff. I don't know if he worries that the cashier will think I'm mad because I put out all my fruit and veg. on the counter with no bags or if he is worried that I will drop my basket and have apples and beets rolling around the store or what. At any rate, this is a solution that will make us both happy.
I've been meaning to get to this for ages, and as I know that my sewing time will be playing second fiddle to gardening soon, I thought I better get at it. So yesterday I broke my self-imposed thrifting ban and went and bought some of these. They are old sheer curtains, the kind that I think most every house used to have.Just now, I cut them up, sewed a seam, and added a piece of yarn as a tie, in order to make these.With these particular particular panels, each end has a folded over edge which is easily turned in to a casing for the yarn tie, without any extra sewing. So quick and easy...or should that be sew quick and easy? Guess what everyone in my family will be getting with their gifts this year?


  1. Good for you, Heather! I've yet to make mine. I best get cracking.

  2. I have the drapes, now I must get sewing too! I didn't think about the casing at the edge being the drawstring part, but that's a great idea.

  3. Ooooo! I've been wondering what to do with the old sheers that someone gave me. Great job!

  4. Great idea! We have produce bags in a light muslin, but I like the sheers idea. :)

  5. When we first moved into our house I bought these window sashes....crap, I can't remember the names of what they are, but they are HUGE and would drape across the top of your curtains. Well anyways, I have 4-6 of these things and have tried everything I can think of to do with them, as my cats yank them off the curtains. Now I know! Thanks!!

  6. I stopped using plastic bags myself. It's just so wasteful. We have a huge problem right now with all these plastic bags in landfills.
